Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The manuscript must be in Thai, Chinese or English.
Font requirement :
- Font of the Thai article is required only to use TH Sarabun New respectively;
- Font of the English article is required only to use Times New Roman respectively;
- Font of the Chinese article is required only to use FangSong, respectively. - The length of the Academic article is not over 15 pages. Length of Research article is not over 20 pages of A4 type only 1 side (Including of photo, table, referent document and appendix), or Academic article is not over 30 pages. The length of the Research article is not over 40 pages of A5 type.
- For Thai and Chinses articles need to provide an English version of the title of the article, name of authors, abstract and keywords on the first page.
- For Thai and Chinese references, it needs to translate into English.
Please read our Submission Policy carefully before your submit:
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The published articles will be the copyright of the Journal of Sinology. The contents of each article in this journal is the personal opinion not related to the Sirindhorn Chinese Language and Culture Center, Mae Fah Luang University and other faculty members in the university. The responsibility of all elements in each article belongs to the author; if there are any mistakes, each author is solely responsible for the article.
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