Author Guidelines

Instructions for Authors 

The original article can be submitted through the OJS via the website

Journal of Sinology publishes articles in Thai, Chinese and English, intending to provide a platform for researchers in Chinese studies to share their innovative research. Before publication, the articles will go through a system of assessment and acceptance by at least three experts who are specialized in the relevant discipline. All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Sinology should not have been previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Journal of Sinology copyright protects all publications.

We are ensuring the integrity of the double-blinded peer-review for submission to this journal, and every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other. Therefore, after the journal is accepted, the author’s name and affiliation and the corresponding author’s name must be included in the document and re-submitted in the copyediting stage. In addition, the proof of the final paper approved for publication must be returned by e-mail to the researcher before publication. Furthermore, this journal has no submission fees, publication fees or page charges policy.


Submission Preparation Checklist

- Manuscripts categories -

1) Research Article must not exceed 20 pages of A4 type only one side (Including a picture, table, referent document and appendix).

2) Academic Article must not exceed 15 pages of A4 type only one side (Including a picture, table, referent document and appendix).

3) Book Review

- Each language manuscript requirements -

1) The manuscript must be in Thai, Chinese or English. 

2) Length of the Academic article is not over 15 pages, and the length of the research article is not over 20 pages of A4 type on only one side (Including picture, table, referent document and appendix).

3) Font requirement

3.1) Font of the Thai article is required only to use TH Sarabun New.

  1. Title of Article, font size is 18 pt. (bold), centre of the page.
  2. Name of authors are required to identify their original affiliation/address / and e-mail address (only for the main author), font size 16 pt., the centre of the page—Spaces 1 line from the article’s title.
  3. Abstract, font size is 16 pt. (bold) left edge. Spaces 1 line from e-mail address. The length of the abstract in the article is 200-250 words, requires a paragraph of 1.15 cm, and requires a Thai distributed font size of 16 pt.
  4. Keywords, font size, is 16 pt. (bold) left edge. Spaces 1 line from abstract and typed after the Keyword topics, font size 16 pt.
  5. Heading Name, font size 16 pt. (bold), left edge, the number starts at 1., and spaces 1 line from the previous content.
  6. Subheading Name, font size 16 pt. (bold), number start at 1.1., and no line spacing.
  7. Article content, paragraph 1.15 cm, requires Thai distributed, font size 16 pt. Suppose some clauses do not include the number; use the hyphen (-) of the same article as the headline without any line spacing.
  8. The content of reference is required font 16 pt. (follow APA format). For Thai reference, it needs to translate into English.

3.2) Font of the English article is required only to use Times New Roman.

  1. Title of Article, font size is 16 pt. (Bold), centre of page English.
  2. Name of authors are required to identify their original affiliation/address / and e-mail address (only for the main author), font size 14 pt., the centre of the page—Spaces 1 line from the article’s title.
  3. Abstract, font size is 14 pt. (bold) left edge. Spaces 1 line from e-mail address.
  4. Keywords, font size, is 14 pt. (bold) left edge. Spaces 1 line from the abstract.
  5. Heading Name, font size 14 pt. (bold), left edge, the number starts at 1., and spaces 1 line from the previous content.
  6. Subheading Name, font size 14 pt. (bold), number start at 1.1., and no line spacing.
  7. Article content, paragraph 1.15 cm, requires Justify, font size 14 pt. Suppose some clauses do not include the number; use the hyphen (-) of the same article as the headline without any line spacing.
  8. The content of reference is required font 14 pt. (follow APA format).

3.3) Font of the Chinese article is required only to use FangSong.

  1. Title of Article, font size is 14 pt. (Bold), centre of the page.
  2. Name of authors are required to identify their original affiliation/address / and e-mail address (only for the main author), font size 12 pt., the centre of the page—Spaces 1 line from the article’s title.
  3. Abstract, font size is 12 pt. (bold) left edge. Spaces 1 line from e-mail address.
  4. Keywords, font size, is 12 pt. (bold) left edge. Spaces 1 line from the abstract.
  5. Heading Name, font size 12 pt. (bold), left edge, the number starts at 1., and spaces 1 line from the previous content.
  6. Sub-heading Name, font size 12 pt. (bold), number start at 1.1., and no line spacing.
  7. Article content, paragraph 1.15 cm, requires Justify, font size 12 pt. Suppose some clauses do not include the number; use the hyphen (-) of the same article as the headline without any line spacing.
  8. The content of reference is required font 12 pt. (follow APA format). In addition, for Chinese reference, it needs to translate into English.

4) Page number is required under right, from the beginning of the article until the end.
5) For Thai and Chinese articles, you must provide an English version of the title, author’s name, abstract and keywords on the last page.


Manuscripts Format

The manuscript must be in Thai, Chinese or English, and all pages should be numbered consecutively. 

- Abstract -

The abstract of a research article should contain the theme sentence(s), research objectives, methods, and results. In addition, research arguments and recommendations should be given if applicable. An abstract should not contain a reference or a footnote.

- Body text -

The body text of a research article should contain the following: (1) an introduction giving the background and rationale of the research; (2) objectives; (3) methods; (4) results; (5) discussions and conclusion; (6) acknowledgements (if any) and (7) references. A recommendation is optional, depending on the type and discipline of the research.

The body text of an academic article should contain the main arguments and evidence, with a conclusion. Followed by acknowledgements (if any) and references. A recommendation is optional, depending on the type and discipline of the research.

- References -

Following the APA (Modified) style, references should be cited in the text by giving the last name of the author(s) followed by the year of publication in parentheses. For Example, John (2022); (John, 2022), and citations of particular pages should be in the following form (Mary, 2022).
The full references must be in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript. They should include all authors’ names and initials, year of publication, the title of the article or book, the full title of the journal, volume, issue (if any) and page numbers, and for books and other print sources, the publisher’s name and place of publication. In case of references source from a non-English language, translate the title to English and retain “in Thai” or “in (Original Language)” in the parentheses. Please note that if references are not cited in order, the manuscript may be returned for amendment before it is passed on to the Editor for review.

- Example of References -