Peer Review Process
By submitting a manuscript to Journal of Sinology, the authors agree to subject it to the confidential double-blinded peer-review process. Editors and reviewers are informed that the manuscripts must be considered confidential. After a manuscript is received, it is assigned by a specific assistant editor. The assistant editors prepare a list of expert reviewers, which may include some suggested by the Editor-in-Chief.
All potential reviewers are contacted individually to determine availability. Manuscripts files are sent to at least three expert reviewers. Reviewers are asked to complete the review of the manuscripts within three weeks and to return a short review form. Based on the reviewers’ comments, the assistant editor recommends a course of action and communicates the reviews and recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief for a final decision.
The assistant editors consider the reviewers’ comments and the Editor-in-Chief’s recommendation, select those comments to be shared with the authors, make a final decision concerning the manuscripts, and prepare the decision letter for signature by the Editor-in-Chief. If revisions of the manuscripts are suggested, the assistant editors also recommend who should review the revised paper when resubmitted. Authors are informed of the decision by e-mail; appropriate comments from reviewers and editors are appended.