The Factors influencing Thai CFL Learners’ Understanding of the Correct Selection of Chinese Confusing Words through Reading HSK 5 Passages


  • Nititaya SOONTORNTHAMNITI Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University Songkla 90110 Thailand


Chinese Confusing Words, HSK5, Thai CFL learners


This research investigates the factors influencing Thai Chinese Foreign Language (CFL) Learners understanding the correct selection of Chinese confusing words through reading HSK 5 passages. The focus is on answering the research question: What factors contribute to the correct selection of Chinese confusing words? This research employs mixed method approach, collecting the data by asking the learners to complete reading exercises taken from HSK5 test. The researcher utilizes confusing words concept and cognitive semantics perspective as framework of data analysis.
From the result, four aspects associated with Thai CFL Learners’ understanding of the correct selection of Chinese confusing words were revealed. These include understanding 1) the conceptual meaning (理性意义) and sense of meaning (义项), 2) the use of context-specific vocabulary, i.e., related words or synonym, corresponding pairs(词语搭配); the emotion of the words (感情色彩), 3) the use of words in relationship linkage structures, including cause and effect, as well as conflict, which is evident or appears with clear pronouns, and 4) the use of words through a consistent concept, involving thought, daily life situation, and seasons. In conclusion, Thai CFL Learners are able to identify and use Chinese confusing words correctly when the words appear in a clear context and align with compatible conceptual framework. The results further suggest that focusing on utilizing the concept of Chinese confusing words and conceptualization in teaching and learning will contribute to developing Thai CFL Learners’ skills and abilities in using Chinese vocabulary.


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How to Cite

SOONTORNTHAMNITI, N. (2024). The Factors influencing Thai CFL Learners’ Understanding of the Correct Selection of Chinese Confusing Words through Reading HSK 5 Passages. Journal of Sinology, 18(1), 54–73. Retrieved from



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