Analysis of Cross-cultural Communication Misunderstandings between China and Thailand from the Perspective of Performed Culture Approach (PCA)


  • Chao MA Department of Eastern Languages, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand


cross-cultural communication, Sino-Thai cultural exchange, communication misunderstandings, cultural education


This article analyzes the misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication between China and Thailand. It begins by providing a brief overview of the cross-cultural history between China and Thailand, and then employs methods such as literature review, comparative analysis, and inductive deduction to illustrate examples of cultural differences between the two. Additionally, concepts like "cultural stories" and the "five elements of communicative behaviors analysis" proposed by Galal Walker are introduced to offer fresh perspectives on cross-cultural misunderstandings in Sino-Thai communication. These analyses are connected to the cultural education aspects of Chinese teaching in Thailand, aiming to provide references and further analytical insights in this field.


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How to Cite

MA, C. (2024). Analysis of Cross-cultural Communication Misunderstandings between China and Thailand from the Perspective of Performed Culture Approach (PCA). Journal of Sinology, 18(1), 169–181. Retrieved from



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