The Interpret of the Principle of “Chinese-Style Democracy” in the Xi Jinping Era on the Principles of the Western Neoliberalism


  • Thareerat PRACHOOMSAN
  • Pornpawis LHAPEERAKUL School of Sinology, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand


Democracy, Neoliberalism, Chinese-tyle Democracy, Xi Jinping Era


This research constitutes a qualitative inquiry, employing a methodology reliant on the examination of pertinent academic literature to conduct analysis and draw conclusions. Its primary objective is to investigate the evolution and tenets of neoliberal democracy, the principles of “Chinese-Style Democracy” during the tenure of Xi Jinping, and the interpretation thereof. This inquiry seeks to juxtapose the principles of “Chinese-Style Democracy” during Xi Jinping's era with those of neoliberal democracy prevalent in the Western world, across three distinct perspectives: economic, societal, and international political realms.

The study found that democracy becomes the best democracy when all interests taken by the government as a representative of the people are acutely distributed to all people, not taken by a few groups. The interpretation of the principle of “Chinese-Style Democracy” in the Xi Jinping era on the principles of the western Neoliberalism, are both similar and different perspectives as the result of historical context, economics, politics, and diversity of cultures.

Therefore, Firstly, economic perspective, China agrees with the free market as a tool for developing country, they encourage ownership of capital, and the right to manage resources but also control property and resource accumulation as individuals. However, the government should play a role in economic activities and interference in some part of economic to ensure that all people receive basic social welfare and social security. Next, social perspective, Neoliberal democracy focuses on rights, freedom, and the pursuit of opportunities from individual abilities, social development is driven by democracy. However, China uses democracy as a tool to solve social problems. China's democracy is representative of the people who truly care about the interests of the people.  Developing society to improve equality in society, the development is also adaptable to social change. In the view of public interest, people should have equal opportunities to access, rather than individual abilities. People have rights and freedoms within an appropriate framework. Lastly, the international political perspective, in the point of view of China found that the quest to determine whether a country is a true democracy should be judged by the standards of its people based on the rule of law. Democracy in practice and respect for other people's democratic as well.


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How to Cite

PRACHOOMSAN, T., & LHAPEERAKUL, P. (2024). The Interpret of the Principle of “Chinese-Style Democracy” in the Xi Jinping Era on the Principles of the Western Neoliberalism. Journal of Sinology, 18(1), 110–140. Retrieved from



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