Learning Chinese Phonetics System online by Using “echo method”

A Case Study of Mae Fah Luang University


  • Fang YUAN School of Sinology, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand
  • Kanlaya KHAOBANPAEW School of Sinology, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand


Phonological loop of working memory, echo method, Chinese phonetics system learning


This empirical study applies experimental design to investigate Chinese phonetics online learning by using the learning approach “echo method” on a blended learning course “Chinese Phonetics System”, provided by Mae Fah Luang University. The paper first discusses “echo method” as a potential phonetics learning approach which is related to the phonological loop of working memory. Then the paper illustrates the application of the “echo method” through online listening and speaking exercises on Moodle. After developing, it was implemented in the experimental group of 35 students for 10 weeks. Another control group(N=35) learned by using a traditional phonetics learning method “listen and repeat”. The researchers compared the scores of two oral tests and the final oral exam. The researchers applied the online statistics tool to calculate t-value and p-value. The findings are the two means of second oral test and final oral exam are significantly different (p value<0.05). At the end the researchers interviewed the experimental group students to let them reflect upon the “echo method” of phonetics learning. From the analysis, it concludes that the “echo method” can be better used to train the students’ perception of Chinese phonetics when compared to traditional phonetics learning method “listen and repeat”. Students show their satisfaction and higher learning outcome.


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How to Cite

YUAN, F., & KHAOBANPAEW, K. (2023). Learning Chinese Phonetics System online by Using “echo method”: A Case Study of Mae Fah Luang University. Journal of Sinology, 17(1), 22–33. Retrieved from https://journal.mfu.ac.th/index.php/jsino/article/view/69



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